With assessment based on the DCM—such as the Mastery View Formative Assessments—we can get to the heart of what students know and don’t know and give teachers the reliable and actionable data they need. Item Response Theory (IRT) just can’t do that.
—Jonathan Templin, Ph.D.
Creator of the Diagnostic Classification Model and Professor of Educational Measurement and Statistics at the University of Iowa
Bring effective assessment to your classroom.
Valid, Reliable, and Informative
While appearing like a familiar online quiz, Mastery View Formative Assessments determine mastery of learning standards using a unique reliability algorithm based on the Diagnostic Classification Model (DCM).
Rigorous and Standards-Aligned
Designed by assessment and curriculum experts, Mastery View Formative Assessments are designed to guarantee rigor and are tightly aligned to state learning standards.
Less Testing, more Instruction.
Accurately measure student mastery and academic progress with fewer questions—giving teachers high-quality, actionable insights with assessments that fit within the instructional cycle.
Delivered in Mastery Connect
Administer Mastery View Formatives and receive immediate, actionable feedback about student progress in an intuitive, visual way with Mastery Connect reports and analytics.
Utilize Stimulus Funds
Identify learning needs and inform teaching with valid and reliable assessments.
School closures and remote learning reduced instructional time and disrupted student progress. To move forward, teachers need reliable assessment data to identify learning needs, address potential learning loss, and drive personalized learning plans. That’s where the Mastery View Formative Assessments come in. With Mastery View Formatives, educators can accurately assess student mastery and use informative, actionable data to meet each student’s academic needs.

A New Way To Assess
A game-changer for understanding standards mastery.
A researched-backed, statistically-driven assessment model has made rigorous through-course assessment possible, providing an alternative to traditional testing. With Mastery View Formative Assessments, educators can utilize meaningful and reliable formative data in real-time to personalize the learning experience for each student.
Powerful Math & ELA Assessments
Reliably assess learning needs.
Mastery View Formative Assessments address Math and ELA in Grades 3-8, as well as Algebra I and English I & II. Let us show you which assessments are available in your state.
For Math, each Mastery View Formative is focused on a single priority learning standard
For ELA, each Mastery View Formative is focused on reading comprehension of informational and/or literary texts, assessed through a variety of genres

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Drive learning outcomes and standards mastery with high-quality assessments and actionable insights that inform and improve teaching and learning.
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